By Audrey K. Chisholm

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

California -- SDSU Leadership Summit

I just returned from being the keynote speaker at the San Diego State University Leadership Summit. It was a great experience! I was able to connect with so many wonderful college and graduate students. I remember being in their position. Longing to be successful but unsure of the path. I shared with them many of the principles that allowed me to find success both professionally and personally. The most important, being choosing to maintain your values. In our society, we watch leaders rise and fall more than the cost of gasoline. Its not that they lack talent. More often, they lack the character to sustain them in their positions of success. No one is perfect...especially not me. Yet, every day, I try to remind myself of my values and ask God's help in upholding them. Values such as treating everyone with courtesy and respect, regardless of how rude they are to me. Using self control and discipline over the words I speak to myself and others. Sacrificing for those around me. And making every decision while considering the individuals that it will impact, as opposed to selfishly only considering myself. Short term success might be attained from breaking the rules. But long term success and true peace of mind, is only found in maintaining your values.


  1. Great Blog!! Great up the great work!! Proud of you!!

  2. Thank you SO MUCH for coming to SDSU to share your story and advice! You are truly a role model for all aspiring leaders :)

  3. this is a hard saying, but so very true and especially for these times. doing the right thing, bc it is right, not only when it's convenient.

  4. stumbled on your blog and I had to comment that you are in fact an inspiration.

    Lovely blog. Lovely work!

    Cheers, Jesa
